How To Spot A Scam

How To Spot A Scam How to spot a scam! It can be difficult to spot a scam and fraudsters can be very cunning, but we have identified seven common signs of a scam. I have done several posts about specific scams but here is a general post about scams as We have had a […]

The Latest WhatsApp and Facebook Hoax

The Latest WhatsApp and Facebook Hoax WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger users are being tricked into sending out a message by a scam. The hoax claims that people need to send out a message otherwise they’ll be forced to pay for each one they send to their friends in future. If they don’t copy and paste […]

Why you SHOULDN’T “type Amen and share”

Why you SHOULDN’T “type Amen and share” Why you SHOULDN’T “type Amen and share” posts of sick children If you’ve been on Facebook at all, you’ve probably seen those pleading posts, featuring a very sick child or a suffering animal. Often the posts also show a picture of Jesus, with a request for the viewer […]

Christmas Is Approaching Fast

Christmas Is Approaching Fast   Christmas is approaching fast so firstly I would like to thank all my customers for supporting the business over the last year. Have a Merry Christmas.   Over December it gets very busy. if you need any work doing for your computer or would like to buy software or a […]

Leave Your Computer On

Leave Your Computer On Now before you accuse me of wasting your electricity and contributing to global warming, I do not mean leave your computer on 24 hours per day 365 days of the year. But it would help to switch on your computer and leave it running for a while every now and again, […]

TECCS Computer Repairs Have Moved

TECCS Computer Repairs Have Moved Don’t worry we haven’t moved far only to Branton and still covering the same areas. TECCS Computer Repairs have moved premises we are pleased to announce. This has been great news for us. There is more space to work from and is a great workspace. We are grateful for the […]

What Can You Expect From The Windows 10 Anniversary Update

Windows 10 Anniversary Update What Can You Expect From The Windows 10 Anniversary Update Windows’ latest operating system has just received its first major update in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, so-called because it dropped right around the operating systems first anniversary. The Anniversary Update is free for all Windows 10 users (Windows 7 and […]

Windows 10 Free Update Has Ended

Windows 10 Free Update Has Ended The windows 10 free update has ended.  Do not panic if you wanted to upgrade to Windows 10 you can still do this. Windows 10 can be purchased and installed by TECCS Computer Repairs just give us a [su_button url=”” style=”flat” background=”#0047ab” size=”5″]Call[/su_button] or [su_button url=”” style=”flat” background=”#0047ab” size=”5″]contact us[/su_button] […]

Windows 10 Free Upgrade Ends 29/07/2016

Windows 10 Free Upgrade Ends 29/07/2016 Windows 10 has been released almost twelve months. Unfortunately for some, that also means that the free upgrade period is nearly over. You have probably seen a notice prompting you to upgrade before it’s too late. After this point costs become higher, should you want to upgrade after the […]

We Take The Security Of Customers And Equipment Very Seriously

We Take The Security Of Customers And Equipment Very Seriously We take the security of of our customers and their equipment seriously. We are always looking for ways to improve this. This is why we have recently added CCTV to help prevent break-ins with the idea of a deterrent. and if the unfortunate does happen. […]

Tips For the Basic Computer User

Tips For the Basic Computer User Recently TECCS Computer Repairs have posted a couple of lessons found from around the internet to help beginners learn the basics. These can be found here [su_button url=”” style=”flat” background=”#0047ab” size=”5″]Beginners Guide To Using A Computer[/su_button] and here [su_button url=”” style=”flat” background=”#0047ab” size=”5″]10 Top Tips For Computer Beginners[/su_button]. Now here are […]